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Virtual exhibition “They created the University of Lithuania”

16 February 2022 marks 100 years from the establishment of KTU predecessor – the University of Lithuania. With this approaching anniversary, KTU Museum invites to remember the people who created higher education in Lithuania, learn about the life and traditions of the students of that period. On 16 February 2020, the Museum prepared the virtual exhibition “They created the University of Lithuania” for the anniversaries of the founders of the University of Lithuania, its former Rectors, professors Pranas Jodelė, Antanas Purėnas and Vincas Čepinskis. The founders of the University did not defend their dissertations; however, they were the pioneers of individual branches of science in Lithuania after it was freed from a long-lasting occupation. They created the Lithuanian terminology of various branches of science, prepared dictionaries and textbooks, as well as study programmes for the University and schools. Thanks to them, the Lithuanian language has become the language of science. They devoted all their lives to higher education in Lithuania.

The Senate of the University of Lithuania, 1924–1925. Photograph (from the left): first row – M. Biržiška, P. Avižonis, Rector P. Būčys, P. Jodelė, P. Leonas. Second row – Z. Žemaitis, A. Purėnas, V. Lašas.