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Photography exhibition “University of independent Lithuania in Kaunas turns 100: establishment and beginning of activities”

The University of Lithuania was established on 16 February 1922. The official opening ceremony took place at the Higher Courses Hall (currently – Chamber I of Kaunas University of Technology, the premises of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities with the participation of the chairman of the Constituent Assembly of Lithuania, acting as the President of the Republic of Lithuania, Aleksandras Stulginskis, Prime Minister Ernestas Galvanauskas, Minister of Education prof. Petras Juodakis and other representatives of authorities. President A. Stulginskis appointed prof. Jonas Šimkus as the Rector of the University, prof. dr. Jonas Mačiulis (Maironis) as the Dean of the Faculty of Theology, prof. Augustinas Voldemaras as the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, prof. dr. Petras Avižonis as the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, prof. Zigmas Žemaitis as the Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and prof. Pranas Jodelė as the Dean of the Technical Faculty.

The exhibition is in the process of preparation.